The following links lead to the original Google Pages version of the articles. All of the articles will be transfered to the github version of the website in the near future.

Stochastic Terrorism: How Fatah and the Palestinian National Authority are triggering the Blade Intifada

Race, Fear of Socialism, and Political Careerism: What Drove the Government Shutdown of 2013

Romney's Economic and Social Suicide Pact

The Disposable Generation

The Real Problem with PBS

Neither O'Malley nor Ehrlich cares about MARC

We Need More Politically Knowledgeable People Running for Office

The Health Care Farce

Cheap-labor conservatives

Things You Can Do To Be Involved In Government

The Worst Presidental Election Ever

Most Americans do not realize that World War III was averted

Democrats Need to Shut Up About Russia, but They Won't.

The Screwed Job Market: Why is a good percentage of Americans still unemployed and why most Americans refuse to understand or recognize it?

Mainstream Media's Obsession with Trump's Covfefe Represents their Desire to Commit Industry Suicide.

Democrats WANT TO LOSE 2018 Because They Will Profit from It

How the Health Care Farce can be solved while humiliating Neoliberal Democrats and Republicans